Monday, April 25, 2016

Nasi Goreng as Indonesian Food

The menu this one may exist in several other countries. So what specialnya? When the menu is fried rice is generally present in the restaurant, in Indonesian fried rice is also one rescuer menu for children's boarding-nih. Surely JBers becoming ever felt the child's boarding will remember a time where there is brother-brother sellers hawked fried rice fried rice with a cart. The brothers will bring the gong, there banging pans, and some are yelling "rice gorengggg ...." In addition to the above story, spices fried rice in Indonesia also has a distinctive taste, different from the state more. I've set foot in a foreign land, you still can not find a tasty fried rice ala brother-brother Indonesia.


White rice is enough for 2 servings
4 spring onions (adjust)
1x1 dice cut shrimp paste
2 tablespoons sesame oil
According taste cayenne pepper
According curly red chili tastes
Soy sauce
1 Tablespoon margarine +


1.                     Create a smooth flavor: pestle onion, grilled shrimp paste, chili.
2.                     Heat margarine, put the spices, stirring until fragrant.
3.                     Put white rice, stir in the seasoning. Put 2 tablespoons of sesame oil, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Mix well.

4.                     If it is flat, turn off the heat. Tata in a plate, add the side dishes According to your taste. Also add fried onions if you like it. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Gudeg as Indonesian Foods

One typical Indonesian menu not to be missed is the typical warm Jogja. The menu is a mix of warm vegetable young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk and brown sugar. Gudeg also presented with a complementary form of various side dishes like fried chicken, fried tempeh, eggs boiled until crackers cowhide. This Guged Jogja has a distinctive taste, which tastes tend to be sweet and sticky. Gudeg will feel complete when eaten with warm rice.

3 cans of jackfruit packaging
1.5 chickens (15 pieces)
15 eggs
2 cans of coconut milk @ 400ml
6 pieces of sugar palm / palm sugar 100gr
Spices: - 2BH red onion / 10 Onions - 1 tuber garlic - 8 grains of walnut - 2 tbsp ground coriander - 2 segment ginger thumb size - 2 stalks lemongrass - bay leaves, lime leaves - salt to taste +
1.                     Boil until tender jack fruit give 3 tea bags. set aside.
2.                     Prepare a large size pot, put most of the spices, above the bay leaf, lemongrass at the bottom of the pan.
3.                     Arrange the chicken over the last seasoning 1/3 pot, jackfruit who already soft before, and egg in the other 2/3 of the pot.
4.                     Put the remaining seasoning on top, brown sugar, and add water until almost soaking, and add 3 tea bags again, then cook until slightly shrinking water.
5.                     Furthermore, pour the coconut milk and cook until absorbed sauce back exhausted, use a small fire burned spy ga

6.      Gudeg already ripped if the water dry, and ready to be enjoyed with sweet chilli sauce

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Pempek as Indonesian Foods

Pempek is a typical menu of Palembang. Pempek made from raw materials processed fish with flour with a variety of unique shapes. There is the so-called submarine, lenjer, and others. Usually this pempek be eaten with watery sauce made from vinegar sauce and sugar. In addition, there are extra noodles and pickles in it. When eaten, the tongue will JBers really spoiled because there is a sense of savory, sweet, sour and salty all at once.

Pempek or Empek-empek is typical food from South Sumatera. Pempek Palembang made from fish and corn starch. The food is widely popular because it tastes savory and spicy sauce, sour, and sweet. Vinegar or cuko (in Palembang). Cuko made from boiled water, then add brown sugar, ebi shrimp and mashed cayenne pepper, garlic, and salt. For the indigenous people of Palembang, cuko from the first made spicy to increase appetite. But with the influx of migrants from outside the island of Sumatra, the current commonly found cuko with a sweet taste to those who do not like spicy. Cuko can protect teeth from caries (decay enamel and dentin), because in one liter of solution for pizza sauce is usually contained 9-13 fluoride. The complement to the distinctive taste is eating food are slices of fresh cucumber dice and yellow noodles.
300 g of fish fillet, mashed
200 g of corn starch
200 flour wheat
1 egg
3 onion white, pestle rough
1/2 pepper, puree
Kuah Cuko:
2 Onion white
3 small size red Sugar
8 Chili spicy
2 Acid Java
1 Cuka
Cucumber, cut into small cubes
1.                     Mix the fish mackerel that have been mashed, corn starch, flour, and spices (garlic + pepper + salt), knead by hand. Then enter the water little by little until all well blended. The dough should not be too dilute, water supply if it were stopped when the dough can be shaped / molded.
2.                     Form the dough according to taste, can be also round and flat oval.
3.                     Heat water to boil Pempek dough is formed, if the water is boiling enter the batter one by one.
4.                     Lift Pempek when it floats on the surface of the water, then drain.
5.                     Puree the chilies + garlic + salt. Boil the water and add the spices. Add brown sugar, tamarind and vinegar into it. Aduk2 continue until the remaining 1/2 td initially or until dark brown sauce, correction of flavor when it is fitting turn off the stove.
6.                     Recently cuko strain broth through a colander.

7.                     To serve, fried Pempek had boiled until cooked / golden brown. Then arrange on a plate, put the cucumber who is already dipotong2 on it, then flush with gravy Cuko.

Rawon as Indonesian Food

Menu Rawon is one of the typical menu of Indonesia who came from East Java. Rawon rely on two main ingredients, namely kluwek / keluwak / kluak and beef. Kluwek / keluwak / kluak these have happened that would lead gravy rawon color into black. Coupled with other spices are quite kicked like onion, cilantro, scallions, and lemongrass, rawon will taste delicious when eaten with warm rice.
1/4 kg of beef (boiled, diced)
2 potatoes (cut into chunks)
1 lemongrass
1daun onions (potong2)
sufficient water
to taste oil for frying
2 bay leaves
2 lime leaves
ground spices :
3 Pieces Kluwek
4 Spring Onions
3 Cloves Garlic
1 Cm Turmeric
1 Cm Galangal
1 Cm Ginger
3 Eggs Hazelnut
1 Tea Spoon Pepper
1 Tsp Coriander Powder
1 Spoon Salt
1 Tsp Sugar
1 Tea Spoon Bouillon Powder

Boil the meat until tender. While waiting for the meat is tender, stir fry spices. Also include bay leaves, lime leaves, lemongrass. Stir-fry until fragrant. Then mix the meat. Enter also the potatoes and leeks. Ready to be served..

Friday, April 22, 2016

Rendang as Indonesian foods

Rendang is a meat-based menu that is mixed with various spices such as coriander, turmeric and various other herbs. Rendang Padang is typical menus rich in flavor and very legit. It was indeed tend to be salty, with a concentrated sauce stick for condiment used too much. Usually the meat is tender and delicious taste left on the tongue when eaten with warm rice.

1.5 kg of beef
1 liter milk
3 lemon grass
5 leaf Oranges
2 leaf turmeric
Ground spices:
7 big red chilies
5 pieces of pepper (optional)
8Scharlotten / BWG big red (15 small red onion)
15 cloves garlic white
1 tablespoon hazelnut roaster
1/2 tsp pepper powder
flavoring cow
2 tablespoons sugar (optional)
2 handfuls of grated coconut roasted until black
1.                     Cook the coconut milk until hot, put the bay leaf, lemon, lemongrass, until fragrant spread
2.                     Put spices. Shrink on medium heat. Stir and cook about 10 minutes until the spices mixed and cooked (to allow the flavors bnr2 cooking, and rendang not quickly broken), put salt, sugar, flavoring.
3.                     Put the pieces of meat that has been cut. Stir occasionally to cook evenly and soft. Reduce heat. Cook until the coconut milk and oil out blackish color.
4.                     Blender subtle toasted coconut (color black aga, BUT do not scorched charred) until smooth and aga out of oil.
5.                     Put "bran" (toasted coconut products that already dhaluskan into rendang. Cook until the meat is tender.
Been below the cuts of meat like this. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Soto as Indonesian Foods

Soto is one of Indonesian food served with a sauce and stuffed with meat, vegetables and a variety of spices. Uniquely, soto in Indonesia has various types according to their area. For example, there soto typical Holy Holy city, Bandung soto, soto Betawi, soto Madura and others. One mainstay menu is typical soto Betawi Jakarta. Soto soto Betawi himself did not like the other. It has a yellow-white thick sauce because it is colored with coconut milk. Problem of meat used, soto Betawi can be served by using beef, lamb or chicken. Soto Betawi will be blended with chives and fried onions served with crackers and chips are not to be missed. Hmmm, yummyyy ...

Soto Banjar is soto Banjar, South Kalimantan. This soup using chicken as a main ingredient and spices include: cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.
250 Gram chicken (boiled, shredded)
250 Gram Quail eggs (boiled, peeled)
150 Gram Soybean (boiled, fried dried)
1 Wrap Soun (brewed with hot water, drained)
150 Gram cabbage leaves (sliced)
150 Gram Sprouts (clean)
1 Fruit Tomatoes (seeded and thinly sliced)
2 stalk leaves onion (thinly sliced)
50 Gram fried onion
4 cloves red onion
2 cloves of garlic
2 Item Pecan
1 Ginger
2 Segment
1 teaspoon pepper powder
1 Segment Galangal (geprek)
1 Sereh (geprek)
2 Sheets Leaves greetings
100 Gram red chili pepper sauce (boiled, blender)
Salt to taste and flavorings
Taste Oil fries
1.      Saute ground spices until fragrant. Enter the greeting, lemongrass, and galangal. Add water.
2.      Enter quail eggs and chicken that have been shredded. Add pepper, salt, and flavorings. Bring to a boil, remove from heat.

3.      Prepare a bowl. Enter the glass noodles, bean sprouts, sliced green onions, and tomato slices. Flush with the soup broth. Sprinkle soy and onion on it. Add sauce to taste.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Meatballs as Indonesian food

The meatballs are one of the menus that will shake JBers tongue when tasting it. Although in other countries there is any menu meatballs are known as meatball, but the way it's presented different course. The meatballs that exist only in Indonesia was meatball Malang and grilled meatballs. Who is not familiar with meatballs Malang? Bakso Malang is served with hot broth, may be accompanied with noodles or rice noodles, dumplings, fried foods, and vegetables are also provided diverse, ranging from cabbage, mustard greens or lettuce. In addition to Malang meatballs, grilled meatball is also one of the specialties of the city of Malang. Grilled meatball is processed by burning over charcoal and watered special seasoning. Hmmm, surely savory ...


500 grams of beef
4 pieces of ice crystals
1 scoop of powder the Baking
Fried onion
Garlic fries
250 gram tapioca
Beef bones to become broth
1 Agg captured only whites only


1.                     Cut the beef into small pieces and then enter the blander along with ice cubes enter fried shallots and garlic fries blander until smooth
2.                     Then enter the meat which has been refined in a container mix the tapioca flour and then enter the baking powder and salt and egg whites and pepper and mix well
3.                     Once mixed all set up waiting boiling water and began to create roundness meatballs and enter into water that is boiling if it is ripe baksonya will float and lift

4.                     Furthermore, to make her soup and then enter the water to prepare beef bones enter the salt, pepper, flavorings after 25 minutes enter leeks along with celery which has been sliced